Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October Bencomo Update

Well, since our last post a lot has happened. My mom had been in the hospital for 6 weeks. She had a terrible bacteria called C-Difficil in her colon and the bacteria attacked her whole body and blood stream. She underwent surgery to remove her colon in which they did not even think she would make it through, but she did. She was on a ventilator, and slowly she was able to be weaned off, and began PT and OT and was smiling and talking while in the hospital. She had a set back and her lungs had filled up with fluid and was put on the vent yet again. She was slowly being weaned off when she got worse. This was all happening over the past 5 weeks. My dad was at her bedside every day, sometimes up to 12 hours a day. Heather and I both took turns visiting and giving my dad a break, as this was an extremely stressful situation. This past Friday they could not wake up my mom and she would not respond to touch on her arms or legs. She was responsive when you called her name. They suspected a stroke, and she was transferred to another hospital with a bigger ICU. This past Saturday my dad had received a phone call from the nuerosurgeon confirming that she had a mid brain stroke and she was paralyzed from the neck down. There was no prognosis. On Sunday October 15th at 2:17 pm we let my mom join Gabriella in Heaven. We know she is in a better place. She can now see again and I know she is enjoying her baby grandaughter. My moms life would not of been the same even without the stroke. She had a colostomy bag, and since her immune system was so compromised she was not able to be around large groups of people or even in public places such as the grocery store.
We will be having a funeral mass at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lady Lake, Florida on October 14th at 8:30am.
In lieu of flowers we are asking for donations to the Diabetes Research Institute in memory of my mom. I would not be here without her Dr., Jay Skyler. He has made huge advances in diabetes research and is a wonderful man. He was not only my mom's doctor, but a good friend of the family.
Here is the info to send donations:

Make check payable to: Diabetes Research Institute
-Add a note that the gift is to go towards Dr. Skyler’s research efforts in memory of Diane Smith
-Make sure person sending the donation includes their address for a tax deductible receipt to be mailed to them.
-Mail check to:
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation
Attn: Oneida Osuna
3440 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 100
Hollywood, FL 33021
Or, they have the option of calling with their credit card to: 1-800-321-3437. Ask for Oneida.

This will be a difficult rest of the month as we continue to grieve the loss of Gabi and now my mother through the holidays. We ask for your continued prayers.

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