Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bencomo Update

Hi Everyone!
Well we have finished the 7 week support group called HEAL. It was very beneficial for us and we have meet some wonderful new friends through the group. Because of the group Anthony and I are working on a couple of projects. Anthony is working on an online version of HEAL and collaborating with the facilitator of HEAL to get that up and running. I am working as well with the facilitator of HEAL to bring the Angel of Hope here to Orlando. Click on this link to find out more info on the Angel. The angel link is on the left hand side toward the bottom.

We experienced our first home UCF game yesterday. It was very different, difficult, fun, and sad all at the same time. Yes tears we're shed. But we're moving forward as best as we can. Below we have posted the last few readings from the last couple of weeks. We hope you don't take offense to these. They are meant to help you understand what we are going through.
We are looking forward to an eventful UCF season and a romantic vacation at Christmas. We have booked a cruise!
Stay tuned for pictures and updates on our projects!

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