Friday, October 27, 2006

Private School or Public School? You decide!

So Anthony and I decided to go see this movie tonight. I was excited to go as we haven't been to a movie in a while. It was a pretty good movie, Dane Cook was great, but I wouldn't exactly call Jessica Simpson an actress. Well since this movie has been out for a couple of weeks it was in one of the smaller theaters. We thought to ourselves well this is a small theater, there will hardly be anyone here. PLEASE take our advice, no matter what movie you are going to see NEVER go on a Friday night!!!! The movie was packed with rude and inconsiderate tweens and about 5 of them just happened to be sitting right next to us!
There were these 5 girls sitting to the left of me with one seat separating us. I had my purse in the seat, no big deal as we all love a buffer rather than have someone we don't know sit next to you in a movie! Well about halfway through the movie, the girls start talking and they want to move over. I moved my purse thinking that a friend was coming. (Note that I said A friend!)
Well in come another 6 joking....and they are sitting 2 to a seat and talking and loooking at pictures on their cell phones and laughing. The girl is leaning in to me b/c they can't all fit! I was fuming! I almost wanted to scream at them and say "LOOK my daughter passed away a few months ago, and my mom died 2 weeks shut up!!!" But I didn't b/c if I did I probably would of been arrested.
Kids have no respect in general. After we walked out of the theater, there were all teenages just hanging out...all dressed like they were 18 or in a gang. I seriously considering private school or homeschooling my children. Its scary especially with all the violence lately in orlando, including the school shooting at the local highschool just a few blocks away from us. It just really amazes me, kids these days! Oh my gosh, Im getting old!!

1 comment:

aliceb said...

Hello dears! Glad you tried to go out but I'm with you on the Sat or Fri night event. ICK! You'll be an amazing home school mom if you choose that!
I was thinking of Gabi a few days ago and loving her & praying for her and praising God for what amazing parents you both are. And then I saw your name in the commnets about Henry & I was so happy that you could think of him & it would make you smile.
I was telling someone the other day one of my Miss Kristen stories, when you chastised me across the parking lot for not letting Henry pull his pants up on his own...when he was 5! How could I have done it without you? I don't know.
I can't imagine how you are grieving and the heaviness in your heart. I can imagine your heart of love for your mom & for your daughter. That I do know about you, the depth of your love. Such a privelege to have your love, that kind of depth of love, given to Henry. He loves you and we love you.

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