Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Long time no talk. We just got back from our cruise and are preparing for a very low key Christmas.

As you know 2006 has been very hard year for Kristen and me. The losses of Gabriella and Diane have been big blows to our lives. You may have noticed that we do not call, call you back, email, not really to much contact from us.

You have been wonderful in giving us the space we need. Whether on purpose or just because you have no idea of what to say or do (You may also have gotten tired of not hearing from us). We try to reach out, but we don't have it in us.

This year many of our friends and family have been blessed with new additions or soon to be additions. We are very happy for you and pray for the well being of your babies. We do not want any of you or anyone we know to go through what we have been through. We may be even more distant but you can understand why. We would want nothing more then to have Gabriella here to play with her new cousins or new friends. Gabi's brother or sister will have to make up for lost time, whenever God blesses us again. Remember, we are praying for you and remember that there is a special angel in heaven there for your little one.

We really want to get back to our regular life, whatever normal/regular is. Things have gotten better. Kristen and I see that. We know 2007 will be a better year for us. Kristen's mom and Gabriella will make sure of that.

Thank you for the love and support, well wishes and concern. Kristen and I thank you. Have a great Christmas holiday and a wonderful New Year!

God bless,
The Bencomo's (Anthony, Kristen, Gabriella and Jupiter)

PS. Keep an eye on the site we will be posting pictures and some fun things we experienced on our cruise in the next few days.

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