Sunday, May 13, 2007

In honor of Gabriella

As you know we are forever greatful to Florida Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House for what they did and do for so many families who have sick children.

Kristen learned how to knit thanks to a good friend, Kim. Kristen wanted to do something in honor of Gabriella's birthday for the NICU. Kim and Kristen ended up knitting 29 infant hats to donate to the NICU. Here are the ones Kristen made.

We continue to collect "pop tabs" for the Ronald McDonald House and we are looking to do another dinner for the guests at the Ronald McDonald House before years end.

If you want to participate in the pop tab collection you can do it a few ways. Save them and give them to us or click here to see who participates in pop tab collection. They get 40 cents a pound. Doesn't sound like much, but it doesn't take much to pop the tab off and save them.

The coming months will be difficult but we will get through it together and thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

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