Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March update

So it has been a productive month so far!

Thanks to Kelly and Drew, we changed the light fixtures in both bathrooms and in the kitchen table and dinning room area. We will post some pictures for you to see the nice lights we put up. Amazing what the little things you can do to make the house look new.

So as part of the Bencomo revival we also decided and have gotten final approval from the City (permits) and homeowners association approval to screen in the patio area. We have been wanting to do this for awhile. We are very excited to be able to enjoy the patio area with out bugs and we can actually enjoy the patio set.

Well the crappy part of the month so far is Anthony got his two top wisdom teeth pulled. He got them out last Friday and let me tell you he is still in pain. You can read more about it on Biggieville.com, but the gist of is that he has a dry socket and the tooth left a small hole in his nasal area- So that mean pressure and pain. it also means that water drips out of his nose when he swishes water in his mouth (video is on his Biggieville.com site). He has been eating soft foods since Friday. Can't wait for this episode to end!

More to share in the coming days... Stay tuned!

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