Saturday, August 05, 2006


Go ahead and mention Gabriella,
she's the one that died, you know.

Don't worry about hurting us further,
The depth of our pain doesn't show.

Don't worry about making us cry,
We're already crying inside.

Help us to heal by releasing the tears that we try to hide.
We're hurt when you just keep silent,
pretending she didn't exist.

We'd reather you mention Gabriella,
knowing that she has been missed.

You asked us how we are doing,
We say "pretty good" or "fine"/
But healing is somthing ongoing.
We feel it will take a lifetime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a touching poem and so heart felt. Our Gabriella Grace came to us on the 2nd May this year. When I came home from hospital I put her name into Google and read all about your beautiful wonderful daughter Gabriella. What lovely parents! and how much was and is your daughter loved? Life is so unfair God is so lucky to have such an angel by his side - my heart breaks for you xxxx

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