Sunday, July 02, 2006

Day 2 in Sarasota- "It was Awesome BABY!!"

Click on Dickie V to see more pictures

We have a great hotel room. Balcony with view of the water. We have no idea what were going to do today....but we'll let you know. The boat race was a bust. We did however eat a late breakfast at the Broken Egg where Dick Vitale is known to frequent on a regular basis. Wouldn't you know that we sat 4 feet away from him and we got our picture taken with him. He's a nice guy. He also told Anthony that he has never eaten dinner with the Govic's in Mahwah. Anthony was crushed! The pool is slammed and loud with all the grand prix race people. Some guy jumped off the waterfall rocks (about 20 ft high) and the EMT's took him to the hospital. We have booked a sunset fireworks cruise for tomorrow night, we'll let you know how it goes!

This afternoon during a late lunch we saw a 55 year old guy with a 20 something year old escort. This was a big guy with white hair in a pony tail with a grey beard. He even had on a wedding band. The girl did not look like she was having fun at all!! Just blank stares!

The sunset we saw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome that you got a picture with Dick Vitale :)

That cracked me up when you wrote that the escort didn't look like she was having fun at all. Just blank stares. LOL.

See you both soon hopefully.

Brian (HBB)

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