Wednesday, June 28, 2006

J Day for the Magic

Anthony is an Orlando Magic fan, but is not real excited with this draft.

If youre wondering where this is coming from, I have had the pleasure of watching the NBA Draft with him tonight.

The reason Anthony is upset is b/c the Magic just drafted JJ Redick from Duke. He liked him when he was at Duke. However, he's ticked b/c they drafted an injured player...he has a herniated disk. I would like to add my own 2 cents about the draft..the commentators are just dumb. They compared a team to a donut for goodness sakes and one of them said he felt like he should be landing planes at LaGuardia Airport b/c of all the trades?? What the heck is that? Oh Wait!!! Dan Patrick just dissed the commisioner! And whats with all these Europeans invading the NBA as First round draft picks?? We've got Sengal, Italy, and Switzerland so far! Okay now I sound totally dumb, as I give my own two cents on the draft....but this is what I get for watching only an hour of the draft with Anthony. Im sure some of you are saying to yourselves...why are you even watching this with him? Why??? I have no clue! I think its b/c I love him :)

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